We, Bill and Linda Boone, are the founders of Encounter His Love Ministries.

Our Purpose: We empower people to know and experience the love of the Father intimately, living a life Loved!

Our Vision: People deeply intimate with God, living loved, being transformed carriers of His love.

We do this by facilitating His presence and His love through imparting, teaching, and soaking.

Father has told us that through knowing, experiencing, and encountering His love our past would be healed, our present would be transformed, and our future would be shaped.

We are both licensed and ordained ministers with the Renaissance Coalition (RENCO).  Encounter His Love Ministries is also chartered with Renaissance Coalition and we are a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.  Visit RENCO here.

Our home church is the Revive Missoula in Missoula, MT.  It is one awesome church, visit Revive here.  

We currently reside in Stevensville, Montana, and Bill works at home remotely connected to the home office in Seattle, WA.

Bill was saved in 1981 and Linda in 1973. We have been married for 29 years and Linda has four children, Michael, Karina, Brian and Amanda, and eight grandchildren: Seaena, Dawnya, Kessie, Clayton, Rayella, Faylinn, Thorin and Eowyn.


Bill Encounters His Love

In March 2006 I went to the Father Loves You Conference and Soaking Prayer School at Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship (TACF) in Toronto, Canada. Though the revival at TACF was not new to me, what I encountered during my stay there forever changed my life.

In 1994 I was delivered of 20 years of guilt and shame, but somehow missed the heart of what God had been doing at TACF. In 2003, I stumbled onto the TV broadcast John & Carol Arnott of TACF were doing.  I was blessed by the broadcast and purchased a Soaking Prayer Kit, but never did anything with it.

In December 2005, during a season of seeking the Lord for the direction of the prayer ministry of our church here in Washington State, and through a vision our senior pastor had about the fountain flowing at TACF, I felt led to go back to TACF to embrace the fountain there once again.  So I signed up for the Father Loves You Conference 2006 and also the Soaking Prayer School they normally do before their conferences.

Months prior to arriving at the conference I found myself hungering and wanting more of Him, and declaring daily what I wanted Him to do in my life when I was there. Once there, I hungered to spend time with Him during the soaking sessions and couldn’t wait until the teaching was done to soak. From the very first session, during those times of soaking, my body vibrated and shook as the presence of God overcame and filled me. After soaking for three times a day for three days, I went to walk out to dinner and the presence of God came with an incredible force and knocked me down to the floor laughing. Now I had laughed before, however, this time it was like an enormous hand had come out of heaven and was tickling me. I was overwhelmed with a sense of love and playfulness coming from a side of God that I had never experienced before. It was like a Daddy coming to play with me. That was very foreign to me, as I have no memories of my fathers (biological and step-father) ever playing with me.

Two days later during a workshop that Carol Arnott was doing, the presence of God came into the room and people began to weep and some began to wail, and to my surprise, I was one of them. During that experience it was like incredible waves of love totally overwhelmed me and it was as if my new-found Heavenly Daddy was hugging and kissing me. (I don’t ever remember experiencing that from my fathers either.)

After 46 years of life and 24 years as a Christian, I had finally found the One I have always been looking for. My Heaven Daddy, Who has always been very close to me, but I never truly experienced until that week at TACF.


Linda Encounters His Love

I seemed to, from the very start of being born again at 19, desire intimacy with God.  However, all I knew to do to cultivate that intimacy, was to love Him.  I walked this out for years, and began journaling very early in my walk with Him.  Every day I would hear His voice telling me how much He loved me.

But it didn’t seem like it was enough, so I went to look for love “in all the wrong places”.  I just turned my back on Him and said that His love wasn’t enough.  Twice.  Both times it was death for me, for the wages of sin is death, just like the Bible says.

Yet, that is when I first really tasted a measure of God’s love, in the early 1980s.  His love wooed me back to Him and restored me to Himself.  He showed me that He wanted me to be loved truly by Him.

I also experienced His love in a great measure when I went through a tragic time in my life in 2001.  His love sustained me and brought me through the nightmare into life and love and joy again.

However, through all this, I never really knew I had a Father, a true Father, who would love Me, in Heaven.  I knew Jesus loved me, but God was still distant and unreal to me.

Then in 2006, Bill came back from a Father Loves You Conference at the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship (TACF) radically changed.  He had been deeply touched by the Father’s love and had experienced His love.  He turned our home group into a Soaking Prayer Center and I learned to soak in the presence of Father.  Then I went back to TACF later that year for a conference, and this time I caught the theme of what this revival was all about: the Father’s love.

Since 2006 I have been soaking in and experiencing the Father’s love for me.  I have found the love I have been looking for all my life.  I am now walking in the journey of His eternal love for me and sharing it with others.